Spice as a Force for Good

At Rumi Spice, we’re on a mission to bring you the highest quality spices while making a meaningful impact in Afghanistan.

Keith in Afghanistan

Our Story

Founded by veterans who served in Afghanistan, we saw an opportunity to connect the vibrant flavors of Afghan spices with the global market, fostering peace and prosperity along the way.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote peace and prosperity in Afghanistan by connecting people through food. 

By 2028, our goal is to support 100,000 sustainable livelihoods in Afghanistan, and by 2033, we aim to uplift 1 million lives. Every product you purchase from Rumi Spice brings us closer to this monumental vision.

Why Choose Rumi Spice?

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    100% Pure Spices

    Our spices are sustainably harvested, they contain no fillers or preservatives, ensuring you get the purest and healthiest spices.

  • Rumi Spice empowering Afghan women

    Empowers Afghan Women

    Your purchase empowers and employs Afghan women, providing them with sustainable livelihoods and fostering community development.

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    Michelin Star Quality

    Rumi spices are used by Michelin-star chefs across the country. Bring the same quality and flavor to your kitchen and cook like a pro.

Why Afghanistan?

The Bounty Of Afghanistan's Land

Afghanistan is a treasure trove of natural resources, from the towering peaks of the Hindu Kush mountains to the sweeping drylands surrounding Herat. Among its riches, one stands out: its spices.

The hot, dry winds and semi-arid landscapes create an environment that is nothing short of perfect for growing saffron and other artisanal spices.

When we first embarked on our journey with Rumi Spice, we discovered that Afghan saffron was not just any saffron. Afghan saffron has been rated best in the world for 9 years running (as of 2024).

With the highest crocin levels of any saffron in the world, it boasts a deep red hue, high antioxidant properties, and an exceptionally potent flavor.

This is a testament to Afghanistan’s unique climate, which nurtures and enriches every saffron crocus that grows on its soil.

The Potential Of Afghanistan

Over 80% of the Afghan population relies on the rural agricultural economy. The spice industry’s success has a ripple effect, touching every community member. We’ve witnessed our partner farmers double and even triple their output, while new farmers eagerly join our network, seeing the tangible benefits of our collaboration.

By connecting Afghan farmers with the global market, we’re unlocking Afghanistan’s vast economic potential. This direct trade impacts the country’s economic development, fostering growth, stability, and hope for a brighter future.

The People Of Afghanistan

Despite facing decades of conflict and challenges, the Afghan people remain hopeful, welcoming, and fiercely proud of their heritage. Their warmth is palpable, from the farmer tending to his saffron fields to the artisans crafting intricate designs, each person has a story of perseverance and hope.

It’s this unwavering spirit that drives us at Rumi Spice. By partnering with these incredible individuals, we’re not just sourcing the finest spices but also building bridges of understanding, respect, and mutual growth.

The people of Afghanistan are not just our partners; they are the embodiment of why our mission is so vital. Time and again, the Afghan people have opened their homes to us, treating us as honored guests.

These experiences have left an indelible mark on our hearts and have shaped the very core of Rumi Spice. It’s more than just a business endeavor for us; it’s a promise. A promise to stand by the Afghan people, to support them, and to ensure that their unwavering faith in us is never in vain.

We are committed to empowering them, to creating sustainable livelihoods, and to honoring the deep bond we’ve forged together.

Beyond The War-Torn Narrative

Afghanistan has been in the global spotlight for its prolonged conflicts. But there’s more to this nation than meets the eye. We founded Rumi Spice to rewrite this narrative. By fostering direct trade and opening Afghanistan’s markets, we’re not just building a business; we’re sowing the seeds of peace.

It is our mission to connect people through the power of food. By introducing the world to the vibrant flavors of Afghan spices, we’re also sharing the stories and flavors of its culture. We aim to share stories of Afghanistan as we know it. Stories of warmth, laughter, resilience, family, song and dance.

Join Us on This Flavorful Journey

Every pinch of spice you use from Rumi is a step towards a brighter future for Afghanistan. Together, we can taste change and make a lasting impact.