Host a Fun and Flavorful Football Party for The Big Game

Host a Fun and Flavorful Football Party for The Big Game - Rumi Spice
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Are you ready for some football? The big game is right around the corner and if you are hosting a small football viewing party with family and close friends, here are seven helpful tips to help make your game day party a total touchdown.

#1 Create a Checklist

Hosting a football viewing party for the big game may sound simple enough, but there are multiple details to consider, which is why step one should always be creating a checklist. Making a list of everything you need to do and shop for in order to prepare for your game day hosting party is critical.

#2 Set Up

When it comes to hosting a game day viewing party, make sure you have enough chairs and tables set up so all of your football fans have a seat to watch the big game. Although some may prefer to stand, it’s always nice to have a seat when it comes time to eat all of the delicious football food and speaking of football food…

#3 Plan a Unique Menu

Game day viewing party menus can range from simple dishes like brats, burgers and hot dogs. Ditch the usual foods and plan a menu that is creative, elevated, and delish.

Check out our curated list of great game day recipes for snacks, mains, apps, & sweets here

Tip: When it comes to planning your football menu, consider your guests and their taste preferences. Will there be children present or just adults? Are there any dietary restrictions? These are all questions to keep in mind when planning your game day menu.

#4 Get the Kids Involved

If your  guest list includes children, make them an integral part of the game day experience. Have them create a family friendly music playlist, let them decorate your living room or wherever the game will be watched and ask them to help create some of the menu items.

#5 Game Day Gear

Be sure to don your team colors on game day. Order some temporary team tattoos prior to game day to share with your crew. You can even purchase some non toxic face paint to take your team spirit to the next level.

#6 Build A Game Around The Commercials

The commercials that air during the Super Bowl are always awesome. Brands prepare all year long to produce the funniest, wittiest, or most tear-jerking commercials for the Big Game. Make these commercial breaks competitive by building a game around them whether it be a Super Bowl commercial bingo or drinking game like this one.

#7 Clean Up

When it comes to cleaning up, keep things simple. Clearly label recycling bins so guests know where to place water bottles, cans and glass bottles. Place multiple trash cans around your home or event space so guests are never unsure of where to place used napkins and plates. After the game, be sure to do a lap around your home to search for any stains that may have joined the party. The sooner you tackle those the better.

Follow these seven tips for your upcoming game day viewing party and your football Sunday is sure to be a total touchdown for everyone.

Show us your favorite football recipes @Rumi_Spice.

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